Many companies and IT departments find it challenging to respond to constantly changing technology needs and initiatives using only internal staff. To acquire strategic skills in a timely and cost effective manner, many CIO's and technical managers turn to GTFS for quality contract solutions.
Success in any IT outsourcing strategy depends, on choosing the right partner that will best meet your IT skill, resource, and deliverable goals. GTFS provides the right people with the right skills whenever and wherever they are needed.
Technically savvy IT professionals from GTFS can help your company address your immediate IT requirements and give you the flexibility to take on your greatest challenges without additional expense or delay.
GTFS Consultancy Services cover:
Contract Consultants
GTFS provide skilled consultants at short notice when the need for such professionals arises for a specific task.
Selective Outsourcing
GTFS provides entire teams of specialized software engineers to take responsibility of an IT function within the client organization or department. GTFS's resources take responsibility for staffing and managing the Project and will provide the client with regular reports to ensure that the client seamlessly controls the project in totality.
We have experienced consultants in the following areas, to mention a few: