Microsoft .NET
What is .NET and Why .NET?
.NET is an environment/platform designed specially for Internet applications although Desktop applications are also possible. It is not platform independent.
- Interoperability between languages and execution environments.
- Uniformity in schema or formats for Data Exchange using XML, XSL.
- Extend or use existing code that is valid.
- Programming complexity of environment is reduced.
What is .NET Framework?
- A component model for the Internet.
- The new approach to building large scale distributed systems for the Internet.
- Provides the capability to integrate multiple devices.
Thus, .NET Framework is a collection of tools, technologies and languages which work together to communicate on multiple platforms. It is composed of classes and services that form a layer between applications and operating system. All applications developed under the .NET Framework; including ASP.NET applications, have certain key features that ensure compatibility, security and stability.
- The windows platform is inherently complex and may pose several problems for programmers. However the .Net platform is used as it provides solutions to many such problems and offers an Internet centric platform. The following are the benefits of using .Net platform:
- .Net platform has been designed keeping multiple platform support as a key feature. For version 2.0 this means that the code written using the .Net platform can run on all versions of Windows. i.e. Windows 98,95,NT,2000 and so on.
Microsoft has included rich support for all the platforms. Also this code shall also work on any 64-bit processor that may be used by Microsoft later.
It is also expected that .Net shall run on other platforms like UNIX also, however it is not for sure that all functionality will be available for the same.
. Net as a clean start
- On the windows platform, the technologies available often depend on the programming language that they are written in, so they are very different. Depending on the chosen programming language, these technologies can be restrictive.
Multiple platform Support
Application Development & Integration:
Our Application Development and Integration solutions provide the most cost effective custom built solutions meeting and exceeding client's expectations using Integration tools if required for complex middleware requirements.Portal, Content Management & E-Commerce Solutions:
Our Portal, Content Management & E-Commerce solutions consist of portal-based solutions having functionality of enterprise content management, communication and collaboration features with extensibility to E-Commerce functionality of B2C / B2B. Mobile Computing: Our Mobile computing solutions wrap a broad area of wireless solutions consisting of Handheld / Mobile applications and messaging applications solutions.